Jembekkies Creche


After an inspection from the Department of Social Development the Headmistress has been told to upgrade / fix certain facilities at her creche in order to meet a certain standard otherwise she will be shut down. Part of the stipulations include providing enough mattresses for the children when they have their afternoon nap, fixing the windows that do not contain glass panes and installing a ceiling.

Donation of Food & Clothes

These children struggle daily with a humbling consequence of poverty,  inadequate clothing.

A lot of them have only one outfit they wear for the week, so you can imagine their delight when receiving a box of brand new clothing.

Donation of Window Pane

Due to the cold, wind and rain this room has not been used by the children as there was a risk of them getting sick.

Our grateful thanks to the Jooste Family who, by their donation of a window pane, have made it possible for the children to enjoy their learning activities as well as a much needed afternoon nap.