Nebo Primary School


A security fence has been erected around the perimeter of the school, which has prevented vandals from gaining access to the school grounds. In line with Vuselela’s ethos of “empowering from the inside out”, Nebo Primary has employed one of the parents as a security guard.

Our continued involvement with the school has resulting in us being able to facilitate the planting of a Vegetable Garden, the refurbishment of the Computer Room and Library as well as installing a Rainwater Harvesting System to capture much needed water for the Vegetable Garden.

A project that needs our full attention is the complete refurbishment of the ablution facilities.  These are so run down and unhygienic that the children run the risk of becoming sick should they continue to use them.

Rain Water Harvesting System

In order for the Vegetable Garden to be sustained a Rain Water Harvesting System was implemented.

Security Fence

A security fence was erected around the perimeter of the school to drastically reduce the influx of vandals breaking into the school grounds.

Vegetable Garden

The idea of a Vegetable Garden was for the children to become involved in the growing and caring of the vegetables, which in turn would yield a harvest that could be used in the making of soup for the school, therefore sustaining children who could not afford a meal.


The library was stripped, painted and revamped with new shelves, books and educational material.

Computer Room

Due to theft of the wiring and cables the children were unable to use the computers because of a lack of electricity.

This was rectified by rewiring the whole system with new and improved cables.